After Women, Men Share Their #MeToo Stories And Support For All. It’s At Least A Step!


Two words, #MeToo, have turned into a movement. The timelines are filled with these words that hold in them stories of a zillion assaults. We should add right here, that sexual assault is not limited to a specific gender. While women at large are victims of someone’s perversion, there are men and them too who have been a victim of sexual harassment and abuse.

It takes every fibre of one’s being to gather the courage to speak up about an assault, and people have by using merely two words made everyone realise the magnitude of the problem.

Some men are showing support for #MeToo, by saying that they would do better.

Some used #IHearYou.

It is.

Some pointed how women deserved a lot more.

Scarier for women, indeed!

It truly does.

Thank you!

There are people who have been apologising to all the women.

This is the world we live in.

Getting used to is the worst.

It is horrifying for us.

Some are sharing their stories of abuse. We shouldn’t forget the fact that they too, sadly, fall victim to it.

1. Without sharing the details he took a stand.

2. We do realise that and do want to bring that issue to light, too.

3. Our hearts go out to you.

4. Sad to hear that.

5. Yes, it does.

6. We hope that too.

7. Please don’t.

And, some pledged this.

The problem is everyone’s problems and we appreciate men who have come out and shared their stories or shown support to all. This is an earnest Thank You to you all.

Let’s make it a point guys, that we make for a better society where there comes a time where no soul has to say, #MeToo.

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