Men Discuss Insecurities They Have About Their Height & How It Affects Their Self-Esteem

At some point in life, almost all of us tend to feel insecure about ourselves. For some men, their height and how tall they look is something that bothers them. But others don’t let it get in their way. For instance, a Mizoram man successfully became an army officer proving height no bar.

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Recently, a male Reddit user asked people what he can do to overcome his insecurity about being 5’3″ tall.

  1. A lot of other men shared similar feelings of insecurity of ‘not being tall enough’.

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2. Some people suggested focusing on things you can control instead, like fitness.

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3. Learn to love and accept yourself!

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4. Women also weighed in the discussion.

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5. Finally, in case you were wondering:

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Have you ever felt insecure regarding your height? Tell us.

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