Man Experiences Three-Day Erection After Taking Sexual Stimulant Meant For Bulls

Who doesn’t enjoy going on a romantic date? It takes a lot of time and effort to plan the perfect outing for your special someone. While some dates end on lovey-dovey note others might get a little more intimate.

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Recently, a man’s idea to get closer to his 30-year-old date didn’t go as planned. The man reportedly traveled to Veracruz, in eastern Mexico, to purchase a sexual stimulant used for cattle, reports The Sun. He was all prepared and excited for his big day.

However, the man sought medical help after consuming the tablet that is used for breeding bulls in Mexico. He was rushed to the hospital as the stimulant left him with a ‘three-day’ erection.

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“He had taken a sexual stimulant which he had bought in Veracruz, used by farmers in that region to invigorate bulls for insemination,” a doctor was quoted saying by the Daily Mail.

The individual, who has not been named, received emergency surgery at Specialist Hospital 270 in the city of Reynosa to tackle the persistent condition. There have been no updates on his condition following the surgery.

We pray for the man’s quick recovery and hope that he has learned his lesson for good.

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