Sad Doggo Watches Owner Digging His Grave, Then Comes The Strange But Happy Twist!

Our pets are a source of unending happiness. The little balls of fluff are no less than family. When they get ill, we do everything we can so that they feel better again. When faced with their death, we grieve for our babies and look for ways to keep their memory alive.

One particular gentleman faced a similar situation when his vet told him that his pet doggo (a male golden doodle) had to be put down. How did he cope you ask? He prematurely dug a grave as the pet dog watched!

But as it turns out, the vet had been wrong. He had misdiagnosed the situation and the grave wasn’t needed after all!

When LA writer Franklin Hardy shared his father’s story, people had many questions. Like why was the dog allowed to watch his intended grave? And is he doing okay now?

Netizens felt a tumult of emotions after reading the weird (almost comical) incident. The first was relief that the dog wasn’t in any danger.

Then came the jokes about the vet who had misdiagnosed the adorably furry canine.

Some believed that the pet didn’t know the hole was a grave intended for him.

But the best suggestion came from Twitter user @AnInfiniteJess

Phew! This story has all the makings of a Television drama series don’t you think? Have you ever faced such a bizarre situation? Let us know in the comments.

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