What’s The Creepiest Thing A Kid Ever Said To You? People Share Scary Real Life Stories

Imagine a child cutely blabbing out a creepy story, maybe from their imagination, you are quietly listening; you get a little swayed by it and a moment later you have an out of body experience, a spooky jittery feeling and your mind goes “What if all this is actually true?”. For a moment you get confused whether the stories you just heard are cooked-up flight of fancy or some scary real life stories?

You see there’s a reason why most horror movies have children ghosts… Annabelle, The Conjuring, The Ring… pick any.

A woman named Mikki Kendall‏ posted a tweet asking people to share the creepiest thing they ever heard a kid say. She tweeted,

Soon the post got a lot of attention, and people started sharing their stories. To tell you the truth, some of them really scared the hell out of me. Look at these below.


Okay, that’s enough to make me sleep with lights on for a week. Have you had such similar experiences? Do share your scary real life stories in the comments below.

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