Kerala Traffic Cops Catch Helmetless Riders & Feed Them Ladoos Instead Of Giving Fine!

Two months ago, the government approved the new Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill which slaps hefty fines on traffic rules violators. People should be very, very scared to flout traffic rules now, tbh, because a violation like riding a bike without a helmet will attract Rs. 1,000 along with license suspension for 3 months!

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So now, the first thing traffic violators should expect once they get caught is to be heavily fined by the cops, no questions asked. Because the more you try to argue with them, the more fines you get slapped with. But that hasn’t been the case with Kerala!

Kerala Traffic Police recently combated traffic violators in a unique way. They caught helmetless riders and instead of fining them, treated them with ladoos!

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According to sources, this happened in Palakkad and the local traffic enforcement unit officials distributed ladoos to two-wheeler riders not wearing helmets.

“Ladoos for those not wearing helmets”, said a smiling sub-inspector Kassim as he waved helmetless bike riders to stop.

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“It is ladoos today and if you do not pay heed to the rule, you will have to pay Rs 1,000 as fine”, the policemen said.

This was a very unique campaign conducted by the officials whose main aim was to spread traffic awareness but with a twist. They ended up distributing 300 ladoos that day!

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If this became a ‘thing’, people would gladly roam helmetless for the ladoos!

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