Wholesome Reddit Thread Of Indian Men Revealing All The Household Chores They Perform

Performing household chores is a fundamental life skill essential for everyone, regardless of gender. Breaking traditional stereotypes, men should actively engage in household tasks because sharing responsibilities only leads to having an ‘equal’ environment. However, in India, men are not expected to perform household chores and it is considered a woman’s job to do so.

But a lot of men in India have been equally helping in doing various tasks at home like cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping which lightens the load of their partners and parents.

Image source: Wake Up Sid

A user on Reddit’s r/AskIndia subreddit asked Indian men about how much they help around the house.

Married men, unmarried men, sons, brothers, men who are dating and single men living alone took to the comments section to list all that they do to help within their households. Several women also took part in the discussion and revealed all the ways in which their husbands helped them around the house.

It is truly amazing to see how, contrary to popular opinion, men are trying to foster a more inclusive and egalitarian society.

Have a look at some of the reactions here:

Image source: Ki & Ka

How is it that so many men in the comments section are helpful and responsible but in real life, you don’t come across such men often? 😭

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