IAS Officer Claims Her Mom Raised 3 Kids Who Went Into IIT & IIM, Shares Parenting Tips

Engineering from an IIT, MBA from an IIM, cracking UPSC and becoming an IAS office, getting a high positioned job at an MNC with a six-figure salary – these are the quintessential Indian benchmarks to be tagged as “successful”. Anything less than this, an individual is branded as an “average”.

So, to make one’s kid “successful”, there are lots of parenting tips floating around on the internet. A thread of such parenting advice was shared on Twitter by IAS officer Divya Mittal. Her pointers include letting kids fail, letting them take risks, trusting them, shunning bad behaviour, etc. which is pretty decent advice.

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But the problem lies with her first tweet, where she mentioned that her mother raised 3 kids who went into IITs and IIMs. I don’t know why that was necessary.

She went on to reveal that she is currently raising two daughters and then listed the many pieces of advice regarding parenting.

Have a look:

She had over ten points in the entire thread, some of them are mentioned below. If you want to read the full thread, click here.

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And several people were quick to call her out on the IIT and IIM bit. Many expressed how kids getting into such prestigious institutes is not necessarily a sign of good parenting. Have a look:

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