There’s A New Fan Theory About Harry’s Scar And Potterheads Can’t Keep Calm!

Over 2 decades ago, a woman singlehandedly turned thousands of kids into passionate readers. She weaved magic between the pages of a book and it has stayed with them well into adulthood. It doesn’t take a genius to guess who I’m talking about, she’s quite famous in the Muggle world.

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Nothing can wane the craze Potterheads have for this series. We still thirst for new trivia on Pottermore and gift our loved ones Hogwarts acceptance letters (more on that here). So, it’s quite natural that when a Twitter user suggested a new theory, everyone wanted to discuss it. It suggests that Harry’s lightning bolt scar might actually be the hand motion Voldemort used to cast the deadly ‘Avada Kedavra’.

Conspiracy or Coincidence? It’s still open to interpretation as JK Rowling has neither denied nor confirmed it.

You have to admit, he/she might be onto something here. The resemblance is uncanny. The theory had Twitter divided though. Some believed it without question, while others weren’t convinced. Take a look at a few reactions.

  1. Mind = Blown

2. Shook

3. Non-believer

4. Fair point

5. Plausible

We’ve read and re-read the books, seen all the movies and the spin-offs. But every once in a while, we’re left gobsmacked with new bits of information. What do you guys think about this connection between ‘the boy who lived’ and he-who-must-not-be-named?

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