15 Little Things To Do To Make Your Life More Interesting

Most of us are in the stage of our lives where we’re either doing what we love, or are working towards it. But, even so, there comes a time when it all of it becomes boring. Work gets monotonous, weekends aren’t all that exciting, and we’re constantly feeling that our lives are coming to a standstill. When this happens, there’s always a few small things we can do to slowly get out of the mentality of life behaving like a boring desk job on a Monday morning, and give us that boost we need to go on and chase our dreams.

Here are the things we can do to make life a little more interesting.

1. Host a get together for your friends

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The next time you’re wondering how to spend your Sundays differently, try this. It need not be a grand affair; just invite a couple of friends over for a board game, drinks, and snacks, or just for some catching up. It’ll leave you pumped for the next week to start.


2. Re-arrange or re-furnish a room

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Often, our surroundings add to our feeling of boredom from the same old routine. Try to re-arrange the living room, your bedroom, or any other room that you normally relax in. Walking in and finding a differently set room will definitely make the space look and feel fresh. If you want to take a step ahead, go on and paint a wall or two with your loved ones. That’ll make for a fun activity too. 😀


3. Buy something that you’ve always wanted to

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You remember the time when you walked into your favourite store and really liked a dress, suit, shoes, or that bag they had on display, but you let it go because you thought it was too expensive? Treat yourself and buy that thing. It might be a little heavy on the pockets, but the feeling of finally owning it will make you feel really good. Plus, you could always try living economically after the purchase for a while.


4. Get an unusual haircut

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A new haircut that is different from the ones you usually get will not only roll in compliments from people, but will also motivate you to go out an flaunt it! Excitement level: 1000.


5. Take a long drive

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You could wake up early in the morning and take a long, relaxed drive, or do the same late at night. Go a little outside your city, and take in all the freshness and peace you can. Don’t forget to put on some good music!


6. Or an unplanned trip to a destination close by

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Impromptu trips always end up to be the most memorable. Call your friends up and decide on a short trip over the weekend. If you’re looking for some alone time, go on an impromptu trek. It’s bound to make things more exciting.


7. Surprise a loved one

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A busy life can often make us distant from the ones we love. To break the cycle, try surprising your loved one with something they didn’t expect. Pay a small surprise visit to your family if they live close by. Take your significant other out for a good movie and dinner, or stay in and cook them their favourite meal.  Or, write a small letter and slip it in their pocket before they go to work. Nothing will make them happier than when they discover it. 🙂


8. Strike a conversation with someone you don’t normally talk to

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It could be anywhere- in your office during lunch, or on the internet (where you spend a lot of time). Talking to someone about random things and finding out your similarities, if you discover any, is always fun.


9. Go back to a familiar place of your past

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Nostalgia is a wonderful thing. The next time you feel down and out with a boring week, go back to the place where you grew up, or where you spent your school/college days. Go to that katta and have the chai, and relive what was the best phase of your life. You’ll then feel great about how far along you’ve come.


10. Write out your feelings

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When was the last time you decided to get in touch with your feelings about things? We’ve all become so involved in carving out perfect lives, that we haven’t actually taken time to stop, step back, and think about how everything makes us feel. So take some time off, sit back, and reflect. Write down your opinions and feelings, especially the negative ones, no matter how much or how little you have to say. Once you put the pen to use, you will start feeling better and more motivated.


11. Join a class

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It could be anything- dancing, singing, learning an instrument, or cooking- taking up a fun activity will make you look forward to class every time. And hence, keep you more excited.


12. Volunteer for activities

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Take one day off to volunteer for activities like a marathon for a cause, a clean up, donating clothes, or just going out and feeding the hungry and poor. It’ll give you a new level of satisfaction.


13. Call up an old friend

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And catch up with them. What a wonderful feeling it will be to know about their lives, and to reminisce about your time together. 🙂


14. Do something you are afraid of doing

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Fear is an emotion that will get you out of the boredom you’re facing, if nothing else does. Decide that you want to face your fears, and when you do it, you’ll feel accomplished. Go ahead, take a swimming lesson if you’re afraid of the water. You know you can do it. 😀


15. Spend some time with yourself

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Amidst so many things waiting to eat us alive in this over-competitive world, there is no place left for ‘me time’ anymore. Instead of going to that office party where you were probably going to make ‘connections’ and ‘contacts’ with people you might not even want to speak to again, take some time off and spend it with yourself. Shut that phone off and cook, sleep, binge watch movies, or meditate. Get to know yourself.

There’s nothing as important as some peace of mind. 🙂

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