Drunk Delhi Cop Hits Woman’s Car, Justifies Saying Murders, Accidents Happen Everyday

Just recently, the current government approved the new Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill which imposes stricter traffic and road rules on its citizens. With heavier traffic violation fines and stern punishments for perpetrators of cases like drinking and driving, over speeding, overloading, etc. the government aims to increase and ensure road safety. It is also to make sure that violators of the law are not let go without facing the repercussions of their actions. But what happens if those who are responsible for citizen safety become violators themselves?

In a recently reported news from Dwarka, Delhi, a police officer was caught drinking and driving, as a result hitting the car of another woman in the middle of the road at night. In a video which was posted by IndiaTV, the cop can be seen arguing with the woman, justifying his actions. His car, on the other hand, is seen to have created a dent on the back of the woman’s car.

“Madam road pe accident hote hai, road pe murder hote hai, road pe saare kaam hote hai”, says the cop justifying the accident.

Watch the video here:

In another video posted by TEN NEWS, the woman expresses her agitation over the entire incident and narrates what happened.

“I stopped at the red signal and from the back, another vehicle came and hit my car. When I stepped out of the car to check, I saw a man stepping out from the car. His eyes were completely red and his clothes were open. He justified his actions saying that murder and kidnapping cases happen on the  road every day which is why he can’t do anything about it. After that he sits in his own car and says ‘Jo karna hai karo’.”

Later the man was identified as a Delhi Police official. The woman claimed that he wasn’t willing to step out of his car until 4 other cops arrived. Allegedly, there were several bottles of alcohol lying in the back seat of his car.

Watch the video here:

The question which remains is this – do these laws only apply to normal citizens who do not have an iota of state power or do they apply to every citizen alike including police officers, politicians, or anyone in a power position?

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