Desi Guy Says Women Should Focus On Their Looks & Waist Over Education & Job, Gets Slammed

Across the world, there are innumerable people (especially men) who are just waiting to give unsolicited advice to women on how they should live their lives. They will make women feel that they are nothing more than pretty faces whose primary responsibility is to cater to the male gaze and produce children.

Such a person is this guy called Avaneesh Kanala who makes TikToks on how women should pay more attention to their face and “nice waist” than study for a degree and work a job because men don’t care about it.

In a world where women are advocating financial and emotional independence, this guy comes ahead and says that boys will choose a girl with a cute face over good grades any day.

People online just couldn’t handle the amount of nonsense this guy spews on TikTok. Many felt bad for his parents for having a son like him. Here’s what some said:

If I had a rupee for every time I heard guys say things like this, I wouldn’t have to work anymore.

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