Indians On Reddit Who Chose To Remain Childfree Share The Good & The Bad About It

In our society, after people get married, there’s usually a lot of pressure to have a baby within the first year. Families often bug couples about it, saying they should “keep the family going.” But nowadays, more and more couples are choosing not to have kids. The thing is, they often get criticized for this choice. People question them for not following the usual path of getting married and having kids. The decision to skip having children is about wanting different things in life, like focusing on careers or just enjoying a unique way of living. This choice challenges what people expect from married life and sparks conversations about different lifestyles.

While we often listen to the joys of parenthood from those who decided to have children, there’s a side of the story we don’t hear enough about – the experiences of individuals who chose to live a child-free life. Today, let’s shed light on this perspective and explore the different sides of this coin.

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A user on Reddit’s r/AskIndia subreddit took to address Indian couples who are childfree and asked them how life is going and whether they regret not having children.

There were many childfree people who shared their experiences. Many of them did not regret their decision of not having kids and revealed that they, in fact, lived a very peaceful and enjoyable life.

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However, there were some who were happy in their lives but did miss the presence of children around them sometimes.

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There were also some people who chose parenthood and revealed that it was the best thing to have ever happened to them. And those who didn’t have kids expressed their regret of not having them at the right time, or for whatever other reason.

What are your views regarding this issue? Share with us!

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