Women Who Didn’t Want Kids & Were Child-Free But Ended Up Having Kids Share How It’s Been

Nowadays, you’ll find many women who choose to remain child-free after marriage. Societal expectations and personal choices are evolving. Some prioritize career aspirations and personal goals, finding fulfilment and purpose beyond traditional motherhood. Others may be drawn to a lifestyle that emphasizes independence, flexibility, and the freedom to pursue passions. In addition to that, there are financial considerations, concerns about overpopulation, and a desire to maintain a strong focus on self-development.

However, despite wanting to remain child-free, many women accidentally get pregnant and while some may choose to get an abortion, others may decide to go ahead with the pregnancy. I say this because women on Reddit’s r/AskWomen subreddit have been talking about how life turned out for them after they had children despite being fierce advocates of a child-free life.

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“Women who weren’t ready to have kids but then got pregnant and gave birth, how do you feel after the child was born? How’s it going now?” – this was the question that was asked on Reddit.

There were various kinds of perspective that popped up in the discussion. There were some who were grateful that they chose the path of motherhood while others seeped into depression and unhappiness and ended up walking away from their marriage and families. There were also some who love their kids and being a mother but hated the fact that they had to leave their child-free life behind in the process.

Here’s a look at some of the responses to the question:

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Life is filled with plot twists but at the end of it all, the decision always rests on our own hands.

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