Barack Obama Smashes Toxic Masculinity, Talks About What ‘Being A Man’ Really Means

Barack Obama might not be part of the Oval Office anymore but he’s certainly not stopped leading us by example. His efforts to usher in positive changes in the world continue on uninterrupted. Last Christmas, he turned Santa Claus for a children’s hospital. And ICYMI, he even offered some pretty solid relationship advice a while back.

More recently though, he tackled the burning issue of toxic masculinity at an event. He was speaking on the 5th anniversary of his non-profit ‘My Brother’s Keeper Alliance’ in Oakland, California.

In a thoughtful role-reversal, he introduced himself as ‘Michelle’s husband’. He let his actions show that he supports feminism and believes in equality of the sexes.

Furthermore, he used the platform to quash age-old beliefs about ‘being a man’. Huffington Post quoted the former US President saying,

“All of us have to recognize that being a man is first and foremost being a good human. That means being responsible, working hard, being kind, respectful, compassionate.”

Speaking about how some people equate success with money or fame, he remarked,

“I will tell you, at the end of the day, the thing that will give you confidence is not that. I know a lot of rich people that are all messed up.”

He identified the fact that socially, men are not accustomed to sharing their feelings, emotions and vulnerabilities. Women, in contrast, do so with their friends. He encouraged men to be more open and honest to gain some emotional support. According to him, real strength did not come from putting people down but rather, lifting them up.

“The amazing thing is, when you help somebody, and you see that positive impact on somebody, that gives you confidence.”

The audience at the event as well as people who saw the speech via the internet agree – the world could really do with more men like him. He’s a true role model!

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