10 Fake Best Selling Books Written By Popular Indians

What if Indian politicians, businessmen and celebrities wrote books that are so honest that they put YoSoHonest Kejriwal to shame? We figured these 12 books that would be best sellers, if they see the light of the day.

1. Arnab Goswami

Arnab’s show  is incredibly  biased towards one thing: himself. It’s easier to achieve top scores in Flappy Bird than to think of winning a debate with Arnab.


2. Rahul Gandhi

The definitive guide to women empowerment and all that blah.

How can Rahul baba write only one book? Here’s another best seller.

Rahul has a Ph.D. in Applied Vague-ness.


3. Arvind Kejriwal

Kejriwal is the new Internet sensation. Spoofs, songs, sketches and whatnot. But he has stood tall on his ‘baccho ki kasams’


4. Anushka Sharma

A lip job? No, says Anushka. Then who moved your lips? Kohli? 😉


5. Mukesh Ambani

It’s Kejriwal vs Ambani.


6. Raghu

Hats off to this guy. Who else has successfully run a television show for 11 years with just two pillars: Gaalis and disillusioned teens.


7. Robert Vadra

The secret is not yet revealed. Robert Langdon is no match for our very own damad ji Robert Vadra.


8. Sanjay Dutt

Now Sanju Baba has enough tricks under his sleeve. So why not share it with us mortals.


Again, there are so many tricks that he had to write another best seller.

He has been out for 2 months and got another 30 days extension. Chaa gaye boss.


9. Sonia Gandhi

‘Nuf said.


10. ?

Who else can write such an honest book? Can Modi write “NaMorma Year Book 2014”? Or should Virat Kohli author “I Moved Your Lips”? Share your ideas with us. Share with your friends to start a Fake Book conversation.

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