A Perfect Mix Of Zayn Malik And Harry Potter, This Pakistani Guy Has Left The Internet Swooning

The world is a huge place, it’s important to appreciate talent, people and beauty. And with Monday already being too heavy between two holidays, I for one, need a break.

Now, just to make our day better, here’s just a god-sent treat to the eyes.

If you have grown up having a crush on the huge pair of geeky glasses and that scar of Mr. Harry Potter and later bloomed to fall head over heels in love with the bad-boy image of Zyan Malik; I’ve got a crazy surprise for you.

Behold my friends, here’s Twitter user @Talliedar, who is just the best of both worlds. An insanely perfect hybrid of Zyan and Harry Potter, he is making everyone on the internet so damn weak in the knees!


Isn’t he gorgeous? For a minute there, I thought I saw Zyan, but then I thought I saw Harry James Potter! Oh, not only you and I, the whole effing internet is confused.

1. Seriously Zyan, we’re waiting.


2. He’s got a sense of humor too!


3. Ooooo…here comes true love!


4. Step aside please…crushes incoming!


5. Why you gotta confuse just about everyone? Who are you…?


Just for the eyes, here’s are more pictures of him, just to make your day better.

1. No time to pose?


2. The resemblance is striking!


3. That gaze!


4. An inception of pictures?

Thank you internet, you know how to make us smile!

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