What’s Your One Flaw, According To Your Zodiac

We all have flaws. 

Some, like me, obsess over them, while others don’t pay them much heed. But those are just the flaws you see in yourself. But what about the ones your interviewer spots when they meet you? Or the cute guy notices when he looks you up in a bar? Or the ones your close friends are well aware of, but won’t say it to your face?

We all want to know our flaws, but not everyone is going to tell us. However, your zodiac knows your most crucial flaw. The one thing that sucks about us the most and maybe it is what others see.

1. Aries: Arrogant

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You know you’re right, you listen to no one’s advice and pretty much believe that you’re the best. Your leadership qualities are commendable, but sometimes they land you in trouble.


2. Taurus: Materialistic

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You believe that living in the lap of luxury is a necessity. You aren’t the kind to travel the world with a backpack, you need the expensive dinners, birthday gifts and leisure trips.


3. Gemini: Inconsistency

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One minute you’re amazing to the people you love and the next you’ve built a wall around yourself, with no explanation whatsoever. You have no consistency in your behaviour and it can drive people away.


4. Cancer: Moody

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Before asking you something, people have to test the waters to see what kind of mood you’re in. They have no idea what might offend or upset you. It’s the unpredictability and intensity of your mood swings that scares people.


5. Leo: Self-Obsessed

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You think the world revolves around you and in all of that limelight, you forget to take into consideration everyone else. You might listen to their problem and turn it around to your tragedy.


6. Virgo: Overcritical

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Not only are you really critical and demoralizing to yourself, but also to others. Not everyone is as practical as you, not everyone needs to know what huge mistake they are making, and you need to stop trying to fix their lives.


7. Libra: Superficial

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Everything is touch and go for you. Your interest, concern and love seems superficial. Like if the outer package isn’t good enough, you’ll never delve deeper.


8. Scorpio: Vindictive

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You have to hit back, when you’ve been stung. You have this really odd need to be vindictive or revengeful, instead of just letting it go. You are clearly a strong believer in vengeance.


9. Sagittarius: Tactless

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Sometimes you say stuff to be honest, but it comes off as tactless. No matter what you think, you need to filter the way you frame your sentences. Because it might end up hurting your friends and family.


10. Capricorn: Rigid

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You don’t see anything but your opinions. Your way is the right way and no one can shake your rigid stance and beliefs. You have to be more open and accepting of different views and lifestyles.


11. Aquarius: Detached

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You can pick up your bags and leave, whenever you want. Because you don’t feel answerable to anyone, like you aren’t liable for anything but yourself. This detached quality becomes really difficult to handle for people who care about you.


12. Pisces: Escapism

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You’re lost in your own world, your own thoughts and pretty much in your own head all the time. It’s difficult to have a conversation with you in and about the ‘real world’.

What’s your flaw?

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