73 Year-Old YouTuber Writes Down Names Of All His Subscribers, Thanks Them Individually

Have you heard of the YouTube wormhole? You know, when you think that you’ll open the app and watch only one video. Then you get tempted by the suggested content. And before you know it, it has been 3 hours! It happens to the best of us. When one video becomes 8 or more, congratulations, you’re officially in the wormhole.

To be fair though, it is a great place to find great content. And even more amazing people. Like the late Mastanamma Karre, whose rustic cooking gained over a million views. Another example is Nilson Izaias, a 73-year-old YouTuber from Brazil. His channel has simple yet wholesome videos about the flowers and fruits in his garden. But that’s not why he’s famous. 

On December 23, 2018, he penned down the names of each and every one of his subscribers and thanked them individually in this adorable video. It’s in Portuguese but the sentiment clearly shows through.


About a week ago, Nilson had around 1,862 followers. But as of today, he has over 1.6 million subscribers. This voluminous rise is being attributed to his adorable gesture and humble attitude. More and more people are watching his videos even though they might not understand the language. In return, he has uploaded several more such gratitude videos.

Apart from this, his attempts to make slime at home have also become quite popular. After many failed attempts, he finally found the right texture and consistency.

He’s recently made his own Twitter handle. Still learning the ropes but quite with the times, I must say. There are videos of him enjoying fidget spinners!

What are you waiting for? Go check out his channel now.

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