The Charm Of Writing Letters Can Never Fade Away And Here’s Why We Need To Bring Them Back

Have you ever received a letter? If yes, then you know the joy and excitement that it brings along. But if no, you are missing out on the most fulfilling kind of happiness in the world. You must deem me a romantic and I am, my body sure is in the 21st century but I am convinced that my soul belongs in the 15th century or so! Those times when life was slow, less stressful and the only mode of communication was letters!

In these times of Snapchat, whoever thought sending someone pictures of what you had for dinner is actual talk, is fooling themselves! Our major problem is, we have forgotten how to truly connect with people.

In such an era as this, letters are much more meaningful than anything else. And so here’s why we need to bring letters back!

1. Letter writing makes you connect with your inner self.

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2. The wait that you have to endure to get a reply is so thrilling and enjoyable, that you wouldn’t know such a feeling exists!

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3. Letters take you back in time.

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They make you nostalgic, they make you shed a few tears, they make you giggle and they also show you how much you have grown!


4. Looking at the handwriting gives you a different feeling.

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Yes, we have become so used to looking at the same font of alphabets that we have forgotten handwritings are so much more personal, so much more attractive!


5. Whether it is making your siblings understand or convincing your parents something, letters always seem to work their magic with the additional emotional appeal.

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6. If you are ever to tear a letter you will need a heart of metal to do that. While deleting a text or an email is a child’s play!

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7. And of course, letters are so much more romantic than a skype call.

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What better way to express your love than to write a long, passionate letter. Express love the medieval style.


8. The fragrance of the paper and the words mean so much more when you know they are going to stay with you forever.

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9. Letters are the best way to make up with someone after a fight.

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For those who are too shy to say sorry, a lovely note does it all.


10. You are able to express yourself without any interruption.

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You get to pour your emotions in a flow. Yes, I need to make my point and I won’t stop until I am done! See writing letters is even better than talking face to face!


11. You can customize a letter to suit the tone of it.

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You can make it illustrative or use different handwritings. Get creative folks! There is nothing more attractive than a person making efforts to always have you by their side.


12. Letters respect your privacy.

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The big data is out there with all your information on the sale, but letters will always be loyal to you!


13. And guys, if a person writes to you in this day and age, be sure that the person isn’t leaving you ever.

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Writing a letter is like a commitment in itself, you cannot back the words that you write. What is written is written!


14. Letters are more meaningful.

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Every word that you write is thought of calmly and clearly, before you ink it on the paper. Unlike texts which are just thoughtless words (most of the times)!


15. And because letters soothe you in all your chaotic times!

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My best friend and I still make it a point to write each other letters on our birthdays and believe me, I have re-read the letters a million times but they never fail to elate me!

Keep your laptops and phones aside, grab a sheet of paper and a pen and write away!

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