It’s World Book Day And People Are Sharing Quotes, Pics Of Bookshelves To Celebrate

“Sometimes you read a book so special that you want to carry it around with you for months after you’ve finished just to stay near it.” ~Markas Zusak

Books for me (as for many others) was an escape from my life into a different world. A world where I could let my imagination soar, where I could let cultures I knew nothing about welcome me with open arms and where I could be any version of myself possible.

I was always that kid who would read after the lights would shut, holding a torch in hand and peering under the blankets. I would hide my books between my school text books so that I could read during classes- because storytelling was and will always be my first love.

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Today on World Book Day we are celebrating books, words and everything in between. Twitterati are sharing their favourite lines and quotes, the books that made them feel and so much more.

1 . Louisa May Alcott always knew best.

2. Wow!

3. They really do.

4. Food for thought.

5. Bibliophiles be like…

6. The difference though.

7. Be different.

8. Kalam wou great great man.

9. Minimalism.

10. “Forty-two,” said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.

11. Anne Frank gets everything spot on.

12. Potterhead always? Always!

13. What an inspiration.

14. Your soul looks pretty darn good.

15. You will.

14. A treasure trove of knowledge.

15. Did you know?!

17. Kalam seems to be very popular.

18. Absolutely.

So guys. Happy reading and happy imagining! The world is at your disposal.

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