Women Share Stories Of What Motivated Them To Workout & Eat Well

Starting anything new requires motivation. Especially if it involves a lot of self-discipline, time, and energy like eating healthy and working out consistently. And we could use all the inspiration we can find to give it our best shot. But with so many different ‘diets’ out there and exercise options, how do we choose one that’ll suit our needs?

We think the best way is to hear personal experiences that are tried-and-tested which is exactly what women have been sharing in a positive Reddit thread. Here’s how they began and stuck to their healthy journey:

1. Accepting that there is no ‘secret’ formula and it’s best to keep it simple

2. Cutting out unhealthy foods and habits

3. Somewhat unusual but if it works…

4. Tracking progress

5. Listening to our own body

6. Being realistic about our goals

7. Finding workout buddies

8. It should spark joy and come from within

What a refreshing thread that avoids mentioning any fad diets and super-complicated exercise regimen. Just simple and doable tips that achieve results.

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