10 Hurtful Things Some Men Do Without Even Realizing

Sticks and stones hurt if they’re hurled at you. Hurtful words hurt you if they’re thrown in your direction. But what about the things, that come at you without the intention of hurting but leave a deep bruise on your conscience and makes you question yourself and your worth constantly?

Here are a few examples some men say or think, expressing them mostly with no intention to harm, but end up hurting the women in their lives.

1. Pull back emotionally when you need them the most.

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2. Brand you to being dramatic when you are trying hard to get your point across in an argument.

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3. Being scrutinizing of how you look, even in jest.

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4. Comparing you to other women you know and wondering why you cannot be more like them.

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5. Leaving you out of a conversation assuming that you wouldn’t be interested in the subject of it anyway.

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6. Questioning your decisions and actions under the backdrop of ever-present doubt.

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7. Not paying attention to you when you’re talking about something passionately.

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8. Categorize what you talk to your girlfriends simply as gossip.

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9. Break their promises repeatedly, which renders to becoming not a big deal after a lot of apologies.

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10. Not considering your career as “not really” a career and presuming that it’s bendable but not theirs.

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Take care guys. Don’t let the pillars of your strength crumble. 🙂

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