15 Things You’ll Notice If You Put Away Your Phone For One Day

Digital rehab.

By the looks of it, it’s soon going to be a thing for those who are addicted to their phones and other devices and wouldn’t know what to do with their hands if they didn’t have phones there. We are a generation which has rapidly come to this point and also the one which needs to take a step or two back and see what are missing out on when our fingers and eyes fondling the tiny, shiny, illuminated screen.

Here are a few things that’ll make you determined to keep a distance from the digital world for at least some time every day.

1. You realize how much your family really misses you.

You attention is always on the device and your brain cannot wait to react to the urgent calls of the phone. Your family deserves that attention to them instead of the phone.

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2. You hear sounds that are much more mesmerizing than the ping of your phone.

There are so many beautiful sounds in this world, a laughing baby, the clinking of utensils, the sound of an anklet, the sound of your beloved’s voice….so many of them besides the beep beep!

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3. You see that the world is just the way it is without you keeping a constant update on it.

The world doesn’t need you to keep up to date with it all the time except if that’s your work. Even if it is, you need a break and this would be the only way of getting yourself rid of the fear of missing out.

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4. You realize that time goes by much slower than usual and you have time to do those things you’ve been putting on hold for so long.

You realise there are so many things you could have done in the time that seemed to fly away when your attention was all taken by the phone or your iPad or your tablet!

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5. You experience the magic of the written or printed word and see that it doesn’t exist on the little digital screen of yours.

Words are wizards in their own right. And when it comes to the spoken or written or even printed ones where you can touch them and feel the pages….have an appeal which the digital world cannot provide you.

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6. You enjoy and appreciate your food better when there is no photo sharing apps to distract you.

Don’t you think it’s more important to enjoy the food yourself than take pictures of it for validation from other people?!

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7. You realize that live music is a revelation without your smartphone with you.

Music takes to another world. A world where everything stops and only the music flows. The smartphone which has a camera disrupts the flow of the music within you and makes you busy in clicking and posting pictures on social networking sites which in turn makes you miss out on the feel of the magic that is music.

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8. You wonder at the sense of peace you feel when you are less jealous of people and you don’t resent them as much as you do when you check them out on your phone.

Have you noticed when you visit someone’s profile and you see them happy on their timeline something in you makes you intensely jealous of them? But when you meet them in person, you aren’t half as jealous or resentful towards them, instead, rejoice in their lives? Can you understand why this happens?

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9. You realize how much you really missed talking to someone face to face and watch their eyes speak as well.

It suddenly dawns on you that a face to face conversation has more appeal than a chat on the Whatsapp or Facebook.

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10. You see that smiles in real life are much more beautiful than those shared on social media.

Isn’t they really an experience, making someone smile?

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11. Instead of the emojis, you live those emotions in real life without their support.

You use so many emojis throughout the day, how many times have you noticed that its the same expression on your face?

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12. You finally see that social media sites have no business knowing what’s on your mind.

They really don’t. Nor does anybody else, unless it’s something you need to share with everyone and a subject which matters to a lot of people and your voice can make a difference.

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13. You realise the approval of random strangers is nothing in front of the pride in the eyes of your close ones and your own.

It just doesn’t matter. As simple as that.

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14. You feel closer and more connected to people around you than ever before.

When you stop looking at the screen, you finally look up and see the faces around you and something primitive in you wakes up which makes you connect with them and you realize that it was worth it.

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15. And trust me, you’ll sleep the way you haven’t slept in a long while, content.

It’ll be the sleep of your lifetime.

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Technology is to assist us, not to overpower us.

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