Women Online Reveal The Mistakes They Made While Dating Which They Would Never Make Again

Innumerable women across the world suffer from massive self-esteem and self-worth issues. This is because most of their lives they have been taught to be desirable in the eyes of other people. If we were to talk about India, many convent schools even to this day teach young girls how to be marriage material. So their self-worth is often dependent on what other people think of them.

As a result, when they are attracted to somebody else, their main focus often becomes to make the other person like them back. They don’t even seem to check if they even like the person they’re trying to attract. Hence, they ignore the walking talking red flags just in order to be loved back even if the other person is not worthy of their love and respect. This is just sad.

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Women on Reddit’s r/AskWomen subreddit have been talking about the many mistakes they’ve made while dating which they would never make again. Here’s a look at some of them:

Don’t be with someone who makes you feel anxious.

When someone says they’re messed up, believe them.

Don’t be too emotionally invested too soon.

Do you even like them?

Don’t rely on empty promises.

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Listen to your gut.

Listen to his friends if they call him a red flag.

Giving them too many chances – what a waste.


No, they’re not “just” friends.

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Don’t have such low self esteem that you ignore all the red flags.

Do not let them disrespect your boundaries.

Don’t be with someone because they have potential.

Be sure about somebody before you invite them into your space.

If they wanted to, they would.

When the back of your head sends you signals to run, just run.

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