This Video On How Women Are Objectified In Ads Is Dripping With Sarcasm And Truth

We are almost accustomed to objectification of women.

The most alarming part is we don’t see a problem with the little off color jokes on a woman’s body, the little rating games that the Romeos indulge on the  roadside, the lecherous gaze that wants to scoop out as much as possible from an unmindful maladjustment of the clothes and so on. We buy and sell the female body, commodifying it through advertisement everyday. We let children grow up with such a distorted perception of women instilled deep inside.

Finally someone speaks up

If you’re remotely sensitive to the issue in concern, you’d appreciate this video by WomenNotObjects. It is a sarcastic take on the society’s view on women and how the media capitalizes on the loathsome tendencies of patriarchy. If it requires a commercial to flaunt a woman’s breasts in the most distasteful manner to describe the qualities of a the new burger place, it’s evident that we are imbeciles and have not yet earned the right to call ourselves civilized. This is exactly what the video talks about with concerning message which is relevant everyone.

Hope the video succeeds in its motive.

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