According To Scientists, Women Who Get Cheated On ‘Win’ Later In Life, While ‘Other Women’ Lose!

If you are a woman and have been cheated on and/or have gone through a terrible breakup, chances are that you might have grieved over it a lot and would have had a hard time getting over your unfaithful ex-boyfriend. If this is the case, then you don’t have to worry, because science says that this will help you to win at relationships in the future.

A new thesis published by researchers at Binghamton University says that almost 85% of individuals around the world will experience a breakup at least once in their lifetime.

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The research goes on to say that women who suffer severe trauma after a breakup due to betrayal come out to be more successful at finding better partners in the future.

The harder the breakup, the better the woman will move on.

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Craig Morris, who is a research associate at Binghamton University, says that women have evolved over time to be better at handling breakups.

An online survey was carried out, involving 5,705 participants from 96 countries, regarding trends in relationships and breakups.

This survey, which was carried out by researchers from Binghamton University and University College London, was the largest ever conducted which focused solely on breakups.

Compared to the ‘other’ woman who is now with the cheating boyfriend, women who were cheated on have been proven to take longer to move on, but they have moved on better.

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The results suggested that a woman who has been cheated on by her partner with another woman will have a greater chance of finding a better next partner, because their biases of choosing a mate will have additional filters to weed out the ones who show signs of being unfaithful.

The overall conclusion of the study goes on to show that breakups are a common thing to happen and that you should not be deterred by them.

In conclusion, if you were being cheated on, congratulations, you’re the winner. And if you’re the ‘other woman’, all the best! 😛

More power to all your relationships!

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