Born Without A Vagina, She’s Saving For A Surgery To ‘Feel Like A Woman’. Here’s Her Story!

Ever heard of Mayer Rokitansky Küster Hauser syndrome(MRKH)? A condition where a woman has no vaginal opening, no cervix, and no uterus! Sounds unrealistic right?

Unfortunately, for a 22-year-old girl in Arizona, this is a part of her everyday reality.

Meet Kaylee Moats a brave woman who has been battling this congenital abnormality (MRKH); a rare condition affecting one in every 5000 women. It is characterized by the absence of the vaginal opening, cervix and the uterus.

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It is also accompanied by kidney, bone and hearing difficulties.


Scared of not having attained periods until the age of 18, the young woman decided to see a gynecologist and that is how she came face to face with the undisputed truth.

In an interview with Mirror UK, Kaylee recalled how heartbreaking that moment was,

“When I first found out about my condition my mom was with me at the gynecologist.I was heartbroken and confused when the doctor came in and told me he didn’t see a uterus in the ultrasound. I was scared for the future because I didn’t know what’s coming up next and how I would be able to have my own family one day. I didn’t know that I didn’t have a vaginal opening until later on because they only did an ultrasound at first. This was even worse when I found out because I already accepted the fact that I couldn’t carry my own children, but that just brought another set of worries for me.”


It was later that Kaylee realized that she did not have a vaginal opening either.


Disclosing the fact to her family, was even more difficult and shattering for her. Kaylee added,

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“They didn’t check down there, so I did my own research and realized I have type one, which is the dimpled skin. I went to my mom and said ‘ I don’t see an opening’ and we both started crying.”


Although, Kaylee does ovulate and have a normal period routine. Talking about it, she said,

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“I would always wonder like where do you even put your tampon if I were to start my period since I couldn’t see where I could put it in down there. I do sometimes have a sharp pain in my ovaries. I still ovulate like any other woman it just gets dissolved into my ovaries instead of being released.”


However, Kaylee did have to face a lot of insecurities and anxieties when she was growing up.

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“It was hard being around people in high school and college when the girls would bring up their periods or talk about their pregnancies and kids. A lot of the time they didn’t know I had the condition so if someone asked if I had a tampon I would just say no and kept quiet. I had to keep to myself and pretend that it didn’t bother me.”


But here comes the happy twist! Kylee has been in a happy relationship for four months now. Robbie Limmer, her boyfriend, not only accepts her for who she is but also contributes to her dream surgery from his every pay cheque.

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“I met Robbie in my senior year of college when I was working at the front desk. He thought I was cute so he came up to me and we started talking since. It took about a month for me to tell him that I have MRKH. He was confused at first but supportive and said that it doesn’t change how he sees me. He doesn’t really focus on the sexual side of our relationship because we can’t do anything since I don’t have a vaginal opening. But I am looking forward to having a sexual relationship. I’m not sure If I want to wait until marriage but I think having that option there is a lot more comforting. I’m a bit nervous to have sex for the first time after surgery because I’m not sure if something is going to go wrong down there or if it’s going to hurt.”


Kylee now hopes of having a cosmetic surgery, which will help her vagina get back into the normal condition. However, the surgery is very expensive and Kylee, with the help of her sister, has been raising funds for the same.

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“Getting the surgery will help me feel normal and have all the right body parts as any other girl. I won’t have to hide that part of my life. That part of my life will be fixed.”

Kayle wakes up every day with a dream to get her vagina operated and know how it ‘feels to be a woman.’ We hope the pretty woman is able to raise enough funds for her surgery.

Reading stories like these inspire us and give us a strong message about acceptance. How accepting your own self is much more important than wanting the world to accept you.

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