Thai Woman Uses Food To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Outfits


If you’re anything like my sister, you’ll have a hundred pictures of celebrities in glamorous dresses saved on your phone for future reference. You’ll focus on the small details and embroidery and accessories, right?

Well, here’s a brilliant woman who does that too. Except, she focuses on which food item can look exactly like that dress. No, I haven’t lost my mind.

Sine Benjaphorn, 22, from Ratchaburi City in Thailand, is a passionate cosplayer as well as a big foodie. She makes her costumes to look exactly like celebrity’s using food and things related to it.

She said,

“I love to eat, so I thought that food should be part of my costumes. I have a lot of fun making every costume, and I and my relatives eat them afterwards.”

Think it’s crazy? Well, the pictures are even crazier, but in a good way. Here, take a look.

1. Even the fluff of the gown looks so good.

2. Pink frill – prawn crackers, same difference.

3. When the shopkeeper doesn’t have the same colour, you choose the closest thing to it.

4. What’s the difference between fur and enoki mushroom dress? You can eat the latter.

5. Just lacks a little bit of shine.

6. “Where’s the food?” “I’m wearing it”

7. Ever imagine how good Lays and your dabba would look like a costume?

8. Yep, those are deep fryers.

9. This is genius, tbh.

10. Look at those colours!

11. When you can’t afford those real jewels…

12. Hulk v/s hungry.

13. Is that what I think it is? Onions? REALLY?

14. Oh my! Wonder Woman recreated.

15. I. Cannot. Breathe.

16. That choker though.

17. Sheer brilliance.

18. Red curly hair or yellow chicken nuggets? Nuggets, of course!

19. All that shines is gold, all that doesn’t is food.


This woman is not just creative and funny, she is also brilliant and brave. Not that I ever thought ‘wearing’ food is a good idea, but even if I did, I don’t think I would have been able to achieve what she did.

Kudos, girl! Keep rocking ’em ‘foodits’. Geddit? Food + Outfit = Foodit. No? Okay. I’ll stop.

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