Stranger Saves Woman From Stalker On Train, She Writes Him A Heartwarming ‘Thank You’ Post!

With every #MeToo story that emerges, there’s a counter attack by a #NotAllMen believer. But what men do not understand is that the numbers are stacked too high against them for women to place their trust in them freely. And therefore, rather than turning keyboard warriors dashing off defensive #NotAllMen tweets, how about you turn real defenders of the cause and prove it with your actions. Like this stranger did!

A Reddit user from New York shared this incident that happened with her on the New York subway, which reaffirmed her faith in the fact that there are good men out there who have women’s backs.

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The woman was riding the Subway when a guy began stalking her and harassing her. A co-passenger sensed her discomfort and fear, and used his presence of mind to drive the stalker away.

Not only did the stranger, named Michael, scare away the stalker but he also went that extra mile to walk the woman to her friend’s place to ensure her safety.

The woman’s post garnered lots of replies, praising Michael and finding relief in the existence of men like him.

Many women wrote about their own such encounters with creepy men, and how strangers had stepped in to help them.

It was beautiful to read other men’s comments on the post, hoping that they could do for other women in need what Michael did for the OP.

A guy shared his own story of attempting to help a woman, and was skeptical if he did everything right. He was heartily assured in the comments that he had indeed handled it well.

More often, it is women who show solidarity and help out another woman in need, mostly because we have quite strong intuitions in situations like these.

People couldn’t help but notice how the woman called the stranger her guardian angel, and the man was in fact named after the archangel Michael (from the Bible)!

This hilarious christening of a League of Ordinary Gentlemen that will make sure every woman feels safe!

And the genesis of a whole new and more awesome meaning of the word ‘BROS’!

All men need to be ‘Ordinary BROS’ like these!

And that’s how you do it, dear men! Show, not tweet.

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