Woman Explains How She Ruined A Science Experiment Because She Couldn’t Say No To Cookies!

Disclaimer: Don’t read this if you’re hungry or craving something sweet!

I remember when I was a psychology student in college, it was a sort of norm for us to be picked by our seniors as subjects for their experiments. And most of the time, it was all pretty much fixed. Still, as a subject, you could still feel the stress of not messing with the results because of your stupidity! Science ain’t no joke, bitches!

But I guess, reading the following thread might’ve changed my perspective greatly. Maybe sometimes, it is a good, nay, great idea to ruin such science experiments that might secretly promote fat-shaming somehow.

Twitter user Nicole Stamp wrote a thread about how she was a subject for one such science experiment. A psychology study that she managed to spectacularly ruin just by being herself!

Why was it the best study ever? Well, for starters, Nicole was getting paid for it. And then, of course, there were cookies!

TBH, if you ask me, people who say no to cookies shouldn’t be trusted anyway.

Anyhoo, the researcher was back to make Nicole earn those free cookies by giving her a quiz to do. Of all things, it was about body image!

Yep, that’s what I would do too!

After the quiz, Nicole was all ready for the second half of the experiment, but there was a twist…. Instead of the second part, it was return of those yumm cookies.

Not like Nicole had any problems with the cookies making a comeback! Only a total pscyho (or, like a diabetic, would, I guess)

But what came after that was a total curve ball!

See normally, anyone would be like “Yay, free cookies, no self-doubting psych experiment. This is a win-win!”

Nicole, however, had a sudden flash of insight into what exactly had happened here!

Those sly cookies were the experiment!


Nicole’s next assumption was slightly more sinister…

And shocker! Her assumption was right! And clearly, Nicole had blown some 20 cookie-sized holes into the study’s hypothesis!

Best part, though? No hard feelings, plus getting paid $15 for it!

Until, of course, Nicole tried to push it and failed.

Wow, she REALLY loves cookies, doesn’t she? Yeah,okay, me too. Same.

Now see, this science experiment could’ve gone completely right. And then Nicole would’ve been fat-shamed into not eating those cookies. The results might have proved the hypothesis but Nicole would’ve probably been upset.

Instead, she ruined the study, got to eat yummy cookies, and went on to give us this funny and warm feel-good Twitter thread to read! I think I like this version better!

And so does Twitter!

The Tweeple are sometimes such a bowl of mush!

The greatest science experiment ever!

A nice middle finger to science, if you will!

We’ve discovered a new life goal! Thanks, Nicole!

That’s why I very wisely put a disclaimer at the start!

An important lesson to learn for all future researchers!

Dear scientists, The Subject Remembers!

So, kids, what’s the moral of this story, eh?

I’ll say YOLO to that!

Image Courtesy: Disney Channel
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