Woman’s Thread About Meeting Men Who Were Not Rapists Is Powerful

Imagine a world where men would not rape, assault, harass women. I say imagine, because right now, that’s all we can do. That’s all the current gruesome reality permits us to do. Imagine. And as you imagine this, you’ll come to the conclusion that the defining element to build this perfect imaginery world is consent, and men who chose to respect it.

As India is rocked by harassment allegations by an actress against a beloved senior actor, the United States is struggling to come to terms with the testimonies of a sexual assault survivor and her assaulter, who is the President’s nominee for the next Supreme Court judge.

What’s startlingly common in both these cases from two ends of the world, as well as in almost every other case of crimes against women, is the lack of belief in the victim’s truth.

Questions like “She did not say ‘No”; “But he is such a great guy!”; “Where is the physical proof of the rape?”; “Why has she chosen to speak Up after all this time?” are meant to first and foremost weaken the victim’s case.

But as actor Siddharth puts it in simple and clear words, first and foremost, you’ve got to LISTEN to her story.

But there’s one more thing that ties these two and all the cases of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment together: Men’s grasping of the concept of ‘consent’. And the following thread shows us just that.

In her thread, Twitter user Maura Quint takes us through several incidents in her life when the men she encountered were not rapists. Why were they not? Because they chose to wait for her consent. And when she didn’t give it, they respected that too.

The result? Maura’s faith in men was not shattered and she genuinely believed in #NotAllMen.

It’s quite simple really, ‘No’ means ‘No’. ‘Maybe’ means ‘No’. ‘Yes’ at first, and a ‘Stop, I’m not sure anymore’ in the middle of a consensual act also means ‘No’. It really isn’t rocket science and these men did it quite effortlessly!

“Maybe isn’t a yes”

Silence isn’t a yes.

“It’s only fun when you want it too” the man said.

“The only difference seemed to be whether or not the men felt it was ok or not to assault.”

You see that? Maybe men do understand consent. They do figure that a woman is not into it and wants them to stop or go away. Until this point, every man is just a regular guy. But the difference between a rapist and #NotARapist is what they choose to do right after this point.

The thread was heartwarmingly received on Twitter, because in the wake of the Kavanuagh trial in the United States, the people needed to believe again that men could choose to not be rapists and assaulters by simply respecting women’s choices.

We need this change more often.

What does life look like with good men? Ah!


Can you imagine how worse the times we live in are that we have to glorify examples of men showing normal human decency towards women?

“Men do understand consent. Some horrible few just choose to ignore it.”

“Consent is a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT.”

Another beautiful observation about how sometimes, even a good guy can be a rapist. And sometimes, even absolute jerks can know how to respect women.

And this, this is how every parent should be teaching their sons and daughters to respect one another.


Over the last year, we’ve seen many women come forth and share details of the horrific tragedies that they’ve been survivors of. But watching women come out and share incidents where they could have been raped by men but weren’t felt a different kind of powerful.


It was heartening to read tweets by men who understood why this thread was so important and the role they could play in making women feel safe.

Like this man here who understood why the #NotAllMen defense doesn’t work anymore. Because there’s just too many damn men who’ve done wrong by women in this world right now.

This guy shared some excellent advice from his father, which every father ought to teach his son.

There have been so many men, including prominent celebs, who have said that the current climate has made them fear approaching/talking to/working with women. But as this tweet points out, men do not have to fear anything if they just treat woman right.


This guy laments the fact that the bar is set so low for good men, unfortunately.

But one can clearly see the merit of having such threads, written by men and women both, run paralled to the #MeToo movement.

Because if you’re trying to show someone that something’s wrong, you’ve got to give them an example of what is right to motivate them, correct?

Here’s to all the men who made the choice to treat women with the respect another human being deserves. It’s sad that we have to give out awards for such BASIC decency, but if that’s what it takes, we women are on board. Men, are you?

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