Woman Asks Why Guy She Turned Down Didn’t Try Harder, Internet Replies ‘Behen, Sudhar Ja’

Many theorists are of the belief that ‘women are complicated beings.’ And well sometimes we can be (though I firmly stick with the notion that men are too.) Sometimes women can be seen as a little too demanding, especially this girl who shared a serious doubt on Quora.

Let me paint you a scenario. A guy asks a girl out on a date, tries his level best to woo her, gets his best moves on but unfortunately gets rejected. The guy then moves on, otherwise “no means no” isn’t applicable, right?

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But we forgot the theory that women are complicated beings.

This woman took to Quora to ask a pertinent question, “A guy asked me out today and I told him “no”, but I wanted him to try harder. Why didn’t he try again?” Now sorry to burst your bubble lady, but men aren’t mind-readers.

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So the internet took it upon themselves to school her about how men or humans in general function.

User, Ron answered her question in the way he knew best. And fair enough, he did make a very valid point.

I mean, c’mon ladies, ask for what you want. If you’re going to say something people are going to believe it. None of us have been blessed with an Edward Cullen gift after all.

This lead to netizens sharing their own stories of being confused by what women think and what they say. And I agree, some do have a point!

1. Ouch, that’s mean. What!?

2. I guess she expected you to ‘fight’ for her.

3. Score!

4. You have to be able to read her mind and give the correct answer. You’re married after all!

5. Ummm. Sorry, you went through that!

6. Amitabh ji would be upset.

7. Uhhhh. That though.

8. IKR.

9. That’s very sad.

So dear ladies, if you want to say yes to a guy do it. Men aren’t going to read your mind. And anyway, it’s 2018, why not ask him out gurl!

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