Woman Uses Imaginary App To School Stranger Who Sent Her An Unwelcome Di*k Pic

The internet is a weird place. One fine day, it will dish out so much positivity that you will feel lucky to be a part of this internet generation and immediately on the next day, it will give you a reality check that there are all kinds of people in the world- the good, the bad and the EVIL!

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And some promiscuous ones take every opportunity to slide into a person’s direct message and send them unsolicited pictures and nudes. One such guy happened to send a ‘d**k pic’ to a woman on Instagram. While most of us might just ignore such creeps and move on with our lives, this woman decided to teach him a lesson of his lifetime.

Jenn Tisdale who goes by the name @deathbecomesus.com on Twitter shared a couple of screenshots showing how she pranked a stranger named @crowmoloney on IG, who sent her a picture of his ‘tool’, reported Metro.

As the person sent her ‘the’ picture, Jenn pretended that a mobile application (that she created in her mind, obviously) that is ‘useful for women’ has blocked the image from opening on IG.

She went on to say that the app helps women to block the “saddest men” who often like to send inappropriate photos to them.

To which the stranger replies, “You’re dead right, they are animal.” Jenn continues boasting about the imaginary application called ‘Cockblock’ that does exactly what its name suggests.

The hilarious part is that the guy approves of the application and seems to be in agreement with Jenn, but then she adds that the application immediately sends the picture and the sender’s profile to the local police who then call her enquiring if she wants to file a sexual harassment case against him.

Jenn plays her last card and says that men who have sent her unwanted pictures earlier have already been arrested. After seeing her last text, the person exits the conversation.

People online were impressed by Jenn’s presence of mind in handling the pervert.

Well done woman. The person is probably now looking for the imaginary application and also ways to delete the picture he had sent.

P.S: We do need an application like that though, don’t you think?

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