Woman Orders Size-16 Bikini Online, Company Sends Her 2 Size-8’s Because 8+8=16!

Here’s the thing about online shopping – while the idea of slouching on your bed in your pyjamas and scrolling through clothing which you probably won’t wear more than once seems like a very good idea, it comes with its own risks.

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What if you don’t like the delivered item but there isn’t return service available for your area and you have to self return it? What if you order lingerie that ultimately didn’t fit so your money went down the drain because you can’t return ‘intimates’?

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While these seem like probable scenarios, a certain consumer had a completely unexpected and hilarious online shopping experience!

A 29-year-old woman purchased a size-16 bikini online and to her surprise, she received two size-8 bikini bottoms! While 8+8 is, in fact, equal to 16, I think the company forgot that the same math really doesn’t apply to clothing!

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According to sources, Katrina Harradine from South East London took to Twitter to narrate her shocking online shopping experience. She also says that the top was too small to fit a size-16.

Speaking to sources about the incident she said, “Sizing is never perfect but you don’t ever expect anything as bad as this. You usually end up ordering and hoping for the best but this is ridiculous. I opened it up and put it against myself and only fit one leg through!”

I’m pretty sure that all of us have had bad shopping experiences but this one tops it all!

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