Woman Burns Down Boyfriend’s House After Being Asked To Leave Following A Threesome

For those of you do not know, Ménage À Trois refers to a kind of arrangement where three individuals occupy and live in the same household maintaining a romantic or sexual relationship with each other.

If the complexity of the relationship does not shock you enough, let us inform you about a case in New Jersey, which surely will.

According to Daily Mail, a 33-year-old mother, named Tasia S.Young, set her boyfriend’s entire house on fire after having a threesome! The reason? Well, all because she was sent home after the sexual activity while the other partner stayed home.

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According to Young’s statement, she took the cab after they were done and went straight to the gas station to buy some matches. She also added that was hurt with her partner ordering her to leave and a lot was going through her minds. As a result, she drove back to her boyfriend’s house and emptied the matches in the box near the front door. Then she lighted up a tissue to set the house ablaze!

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The fire also ended up burning the house next to it. It was home to 6 people. Reports also claim that the other woman who was inside Young’s boyfriend’s house wasn’t actually inside the property when she ignited the fire.

Young has now been charged with “arson, aggravated assault, criminal mischief and multiple counts of endangering another person” by the police.

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