Woman Creates ‘Quarantine Barbies’ To Show The Real Side Of Life During Pandemic

For the longest time, Barbie dolls upheld unrealistic standards of beauty. They did not just have a very restricted idea about appearance but also lacked over-all inclusivity. However, in the past few months, Barbie launched new collections of diverse dolls including ones with no hair, vitiligo, darker complexions, prosthetic legs, etc.

A 56-year-old woman from California took inclusive Barbie dolls up a notch. Since for the past few months the entire world has come to a stand-still, has been subjected to remain indoors indefinitely because of the pandemic, the woman created ‘Quarantine Barbies’, reports Good Morning America.

These sets include essential workers like sanitation workers, medics, and grocery shop owners. They also include sets showing Barbie at home chilling, binge-watching movies, baking, attending Zoom calls, gardening, eating while wearing stretchy pants – basically all the things that most of us have been doing at home during the pandemic! Have a look:

1. Here is a grocery shop worker wearing gloves and masks with miniature versions of some of our favourite snacks and drinks.

2. Sanitation workers have been the unsung heroes of the pandemic, putting their own lives at risk so we live can live in a clean environment.

3. This is a lovely tribute to healthcare professionals who have worked round the clock for our well being!

4. There is nothing more relatable than this. This is most of us – chilling in our stretchy pants because nothing else fits, binging on snacks all-day, and playing UNO or Sudoku for time-pass!

5. And of course, we have forgotten what day or month it is. ‘Fri-Yay’ has lost all significance!

6. Nobody has a sense of time nowadays because what’s the use? Ghar pe hi toh rehna hai!

7. However, many have used this time to rediscover their talents and spend time engaging in their hobbies. And this Barbie set captures exactly that.

8. It has been a fun time for couples too! When no house-helpers were available, couples had to divide chores among themselves and get to work!

9. Obviously she had to make a Baking-Barbie version for all our failed attempts of baking banana bread during quarantine!

10. I have never binged-watched movies/TV-series more in my entire life than I have in these past few months!

10. My eyebrows look like caterpillars and I have lost all hope.

11. Who else has been half-dressed during virtual meetings with colleagues?

12. This set is a fantastic shout-out to all moms who have been patiently handling their little ones at home. From home-schooling them to calming them when they got restless – mothers have had quite a roller-coaster ride!

These ‘Quarantine Barbies’ are not just realistic but also create a healthy impression for kids about life in general. It teaches kids that life doesn’t need to be picture-perfect, that it can be messy sometimes, and that’s okay.

Kudos to this lady for teaching us that!

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