A Woman Shared Picture Of Her Hairy Stomach And People Had Extreme To Amusing Responses

Everybody has a unique body and body-type and the sooner the world realises that, the better, With models, fashion brands, and fashion magazines have set new standards for how women should look, many of us are left feeling conscious about how we look than how we are as a person.

The acceptance of one’s own body is the biggest victory one can have. Obviously, people will try to pull you down

Twitter user  @iranikanjari was just having a normal day when she posted a stomach selfie of herself, but things didn’t turn out to be her way.


Many people took to body-shaming her for her hair on belly and it wasn’t nice


Some people even put up pictures like these, suggesting that she would ‘look better’ if she shaved it


And called her names


Just for your reference, this is how chewbacca looks like:

Image source


Gave her unsolicited advice


Again, and again


But then there were also some who supported her for coming out of the body-shaming closet and accepting herself


Including men


Some even thanked her for this


And some even made her, their idol immediately


A few people also told her to never change, because obviously, there’s nothing like natural beauty


And then there were some who neither cared, not were interested in her belly hair, but just couldn’t stop crying over their lack of hair


@iranikanjari was so overwhelmed by the amount of support people were giving her that she posted a small video of her…

…to thank everybody who didn’t shame her for being herself.


Whether she shaves or not, or shaves and puts a pic or not, is really her business.

Just calm down people. It’s just hair. We all have it.

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