12 Hilarious Comics That Perfectly Capture What Everybody Goes Through In Winter

Winter is finally here for good and it is that time of the year when we take out the sweaters and jackets from the bottom of our cupboards, smelling of camphor balls. Hot water is compulsory and anything remotely cold is your enemy.

Most of us have a love-hate relationship with winter. The cozy time under the blankets is so lovely, but walking outside in the freezing weather is not.

These comics capture such common but real dilemmas we face during winter.

Check them out.

1. Getting out of the blanket is a real problem


2. And you find innovative techniques to stay warm everywhere


3. Waxing? What is that?


4. People who touch you with cold hands are pure evil


5. It’s not about the water, it’s about the cold after you get out of the bathroom


6. Shrinkage – Google shrinkage


7. Getting out of bed in the morning is a real struggle


8. Beta, sweater pehno! Haan!


9. Let’s also think about people who work outside warm homes


10. Don’t forget the ice cold throne – your toilet seat


11. When plans are made after checking the thermometer rather than the time


12. And the real meaning of pain is known

May your blanket always be warm and your bathing water always hot.

*Wraps self in a hot blanket and sips on hot chai*

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