Winston Churchill Is No Better Than Hitler – Mr Tharoor Says What Everyone Needs To Know

Would you ever share a quote by Adolf Hitler on social media or even on WhatsApp? Probably not. The sensible ones among you would even be disgusted at the thought of doing such a thing. After all, Hitler was a mass murderer. He killed millions of Jews. However inspirational his quotes might be, it just does not make sense to share them, because the lines were spoken by a murderer.

But Winston Churchill is still looked upon by the world as a hero. His quotes are still shared by famous people and the regular citizens alike. Quotes like this one –

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But the fact remains that Winston Churchill has committed the same crimes Adolf Hitler did. And Shashi Tharoor, in his usual style of pointing out the unpleasant truths about the British empire, said that Churchill is almost as bad as Hitler.

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“Churchill has as much blood on his hands as Hitler does. The Bengal Famine – millions died because of the decisions he took or endorsed.”

Dr. Tharoor further elaborated how Churchill diverted grain to England instead of giving it to the literally starving Bengalis.


He further said how ships from Australia, full of grain were not allowed to unload their goods in Calcutta. These ships were encouraged to sail to Europe even though the grains would have helped the starving Indian populace.

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Tharoor wants people to re-examine Churchill’s place in history, just like he wants people to realise what British colonialism did to India. Especially when Churchill said things like –

“I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion . . . Let the Viceroy sit on the back of a giant elephant and trample Gandhi into the dirt.”


Shashi Tharoor has been providing us with a different perspective about the British colonization of India. And after a few of his interviews have gone viral, people are starting to realize that the British rule was not as lovely as we read in the history books.

Some people point out “Why are we talking about this now?! It is time we move forward towards progress.”

But as Shashi Tharoor points out –

“If you don’t know where you come from, how will you appreciate where you are going?”

News Source – UK Asian

Cover Image Source – 1, 2.

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