Watch This Video If You’ve Ever Been Denied House On Rent For Not Being A #SanskariNaari

Homes That Don’t Judge Your Appearance | NestAway | #HomesThatDontDiscriminate

Stereotyping in India is not new. Our generation gets judged for so many things. What we wear, what we eat, what we drink…everything puts a label on us, even if we aren’t like that. All of us have learnt to not care about these silly stereotypes. But when it gets in our way of doing things, it becomes a huge pain in the ass. All the people who have faced problems while finding a house on rent because of this will agree with me here!

I don’t want to hide my pet in my own house, or sneak in my boyfriend if he wants to visit, or fake a wedding with a friend because NO ONE wants bachelors in their building. How on earth are we suppose to find a home?

Well, Nestaway has come up with a brilliant solution for the struggling youngsters who are trying to find a home sweet home in their big bad city! It’s time to move into #HomesThatDontDiscriminate.

This story is brought to you in association with Nestaway

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