Find Out What Your Favourite Drink Reveals About Your Personality. Mine Was Perfect!

What you like to drink says a lot about you, your personality and the way you behave. Every drink and its selection has a story behind it. Don’t you want to find out yours? Here are 13 drinks that will tell you everything you need to know about the type of person you are:

1. Water

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You are in a constant state of ‘month-end’ situation. IYKWIM. So you prefer to drink water than spend on luxuries like beer for 50 bucks or cola for 8.


2. Tea

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You are too Indian to switch to or experiment with any other drink. After all, unless you dip your marie biscuit in your tea (and watch a huge lump of it dissolve in the tea) your day will be incomplete.


3. Latte coffee

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You are one of those constipated people who doesn’t smoke but needs something for that early morning pressure. Sutta nahi to coffee sahi.


4. Black coffee

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You form that pretentious bunch of people who love saying “I love my coffee like my soul – dark and black” and throw up when given a double espresso because it’s “too bitter”


5. Cola

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You’re too scared to actually try hard liquor, but #instagram yo!


6. Beer

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You have the personality of a really cool person, but will fight tooth and nail with the waiter for your 2 rupee change when he gets you your 50 bucks waala cheap beer. So much for being cool.


7. Whiskey

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You’re the man…. before your 2nd neat glass of whiskey. And then you’re the burden on your friend’s shoulders.


8. Rum

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You take gum ka saathi rum too seriously. You drink, you puke, you cry for that long lost ex of yours, then drunk text them and then cry again in the morning when you realize what you’ve done.


9. Lassi

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Two things. You’re either a Punjabi who loves having his butter chicken with ‘malai maar ke’ lassi, or…. you’re a Punjabi. 😉


10. Redbull

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GTFO. Go get some sleep you, zombie you.


11. Orange juice

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You have seen Delhi Belly, and you know how handy this beverage can be in times of ’emergency’ *wink wink*


12. Wine

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You have 9 cats (in the near future), and you are single AF. So you need to go out, meet new people and date, and stop making excuses that wine is good for your heart. (It is, but not when you’re THAT single)


13. Tequila/Vodka

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You will eventually get out of college. So drink what you want to… for now. 😛
Disclaimer: This list is solely and purely meant to make you laugh. All stereotypes are meant as a joke and we really don’t judge whether you drink water, cola, or whiskey.

Now go have some of that orange juice. 😛

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