West Bengal Okays State’s Name Change To ‘Bangla’, Receives Mixed Response (And A Few Jokes)

Despite being an ordinary citizen, I think that the primary objective of a Chief Minister of a State should be its betterment. They should look to improve its infrastructure, bring more jobs and make it more secure for its citizens. But those aren’t Mamata Banerjee’s top priorities because she wants to convert West Bengal’s name to just ‘Bangla’.

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Now if you’re thinking “why would she do that?”, let me tell you, the reason’s pretty bizarre. As West Bengal starts with a ‘W’, it comes at the end of every leader-board, because that’s how the alphabetical order works. So, in order to bring it to the top, Mamata urged her lawmakers to make the name change. And, of course, they gave it a big thumbs up.

Given how everyone has to now call West Bengal as Bangla, Netizens had some mixed reactions about it:

1. Oh! It still definitely is.

2. Well, at least someone is happy.

3. That’s life, my friend.

4. I’m ashamed that it took me a whole minute to understand this.


5. I heartily welcome this.

6. Damn, those tigers are quick!

7. Mamata Banerjee just made our daily conversation simpler.

8. Makes sense.

9. Woah! Got me right in the feels.

10. *slow claps ensue*

11. Another happy Bengali.

12. The name’s Lee, BanglaLee.

13. She really cares where our State stands…. on a list!


14. Mamata Banerjee is a great confusion-killer.

15. You better call the doctor.

I guess I’m speaking for a major chunk of Bengalis when I say that we’ve a hard time remembering things. The only birthday we remember is Rabindranath Tagore’s and the rest of them are Facebook ke bharose. So, since this is a new thing that we need to etch into our brains, let’s see how many corrections does it need before we can effortlessly say we’re from Bangla.

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