12 Weird Makeup Trends Of 2017 We Weren’t Ready For

We may have ushered in 2018 with celebratory pomp and show in hopes of forgetting the disaster that was the year 2017. But, no matter how much you run from it, you can’t hide. Why, you ask? Because social media, my friend!

Don’t we all love when we are scrolling through our explore page on Instagram and find one or two trends which make us go “What even is this?” (Yeah, I just said it to be funny, nobody likes that). On a serious note, it is definitely makeup trends that have baffled us to no end in the past year.

Now don’t get me wrong, I know make-up is an art and I have nothing but a lot of respect for people who do it, mostly because I can’t draw a winged eyeliner to save my life.

But, sometimes the trends that Instagram makeup gurus (for lack of a better word) try to set are just wacky and 2017 gave us a lot of them.

1. How to recycle your old sweater 101.

This one was pretty docile and while a lot of people followed it, it was not as bad as the others.

2. When you gotta substitute for the disco ball at the party.

Honestly, how are her lips not getting badly bruised after this? For all we know, they probably are.

3. Ouch! Braided brows were the next big thing!

Okay, I was being a tad bit dramatic. They are drawn on, but still, this is quite weird.

4. Yeah…NO.

Sorry, but this is not how I wanted my makeup to turn out. I mean why mess up a lipstick? That’s the easiest thing.

5. Remember the good old days when we just had normal brows? Yeah, me neither!

6. Wanna be the Flash but don’t have the super speed? Lightning bolt brows to the rescue!

7. Why not just combine the two?

8. Just when we thought this couldn’t get weirder.

The vagina nails trend did not catch on that much but it is really freaky! The debate is still going on whether they are vagina nails or vulva nails. I’ll just leave it up to you to decide.

9. Also, this was the time when holographic everything suddenly grabbed the limelight and people became absolutely obsessed with glowing for the gods.

This may be a little OTT but the way her highlight is popping really got me on board with this look.

10. Then came this brow trend which had us surprised!

11. I just don’t know how to explain this.

I understand makeup is fun but ingesting glitter is clearly not. Besides glitter is one of the most gorgeous yet the messiest things you can find. We do not want to be the troll who farts glitter in the movie!

12. How can we forget the lollipop lips popularised by a huge makeup brand!

The trick to this makeup look is to basically smear your lipstick outside your lips and believe it or not, it really caught on after it was featured on the MAC Instagram.

So, as Porky Pig says in Looney Toons, “That’s all folks!” But is it, though? Because 2018 has just started and we are pretty sure, the makeup gurus have a lot where that came from. The only thing we can do is buckle up! Which one did you think was the weirdest? Let us know!

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