10 Weird And Confusing Dreams & Their Significance

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. – Edgar Allan Poe

We all know that our dreams have some meaning related to them. Our mind doesn’t wander anywhere without a reason and hence, we see things based on what we have been subconsciously thinking about. There is a list of common dreams that reoccur many times like falling, being chased, experiencing nudity, losing teeth, death, etc. You can read about them in our previous article, which talked about common dreams and their significance.

But in this write-up, I am going to discuss the rare and weird dreams that you see sometimes. They are not just nightmares based on your fears, they hold deep meaning, and it’s a way of your subconscious telling you something.

So, here are few weird dreams people see and their significance.

1. Dreams about being pregnant

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Ally Mead, who has studied dream analysis at the Jungian Institute of Los Angeles says that the dream of seeing yourself pregnant is about creativity. Women create new life out of their bodies, and if you dream of being pregnant, you are craving to be creative. You want to dream bigger and work on something that will add excitement to your life.

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2. Dreams of waking up next to a dead body/skeleton

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Waking up next to a dead body or skeleton signifies a rough patch in future that will require lots of struggle and hard work. The horror and disgust with which we entertain thoughts of death shows that we have uncertainty for the future. A dead body in a dream usually represents regret, nostalgia, disappearance, broken relationships, and mistrust in love.

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3. Dreams of being raped by a family member

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Getting raped in dreams means you have been feeling “powerless”, “humiliated” or “taken advantage” recently. It doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual. You can picture someone raping you if you consider that person to be in a position of power. Also, if you were humiliated by that person recently, that rape dream can occur.

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4. Dreams about being a beast/monster

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Such dreams are acknowledged to be an expression of effective inner feelings, reactions and drives which have already stayed oblivious or have been ignored. There are various reasons for this lack of expression in real life. It may be that the painful childhood experiences created a block, or apprehension encompassing some fundamental drives like anger, sexuality or self-expression. Therefore, major areas of one’s potential are withheld and become symbolised by the beast.

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5. Dreams of being befriended by your enemy

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This dream indicates some internal conflict about your relationship with your enemy. It means that a small part of you thinks that it’s time to move on and forget the past, and maybe try to make things right.

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6. Dreams of being overprotective about your kid/s (when you don’t have any)

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The dream is a representation of a new aspect of yourself that is still maturing or developing. It also indicates a part of you that is feeling neglected and has to be nurtured, loved and accepted by you. Having a baby signifies someone acting naive and innocent, which possibly can be you.

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7. Dreams of cheating on your partner

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Dreams about cheating on your partner may signify guilt in other areas of your lives. To dream that you are the one having an affair suggests feelings of self-guilt and self-betrayal, as you compromise your beliefs or integrity. The other possibility is that your conscious mind thinks about the idea of cheating and that is reflected in your dreams.

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8. Inception – Dream within a dream

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A dream within a dream is a way your mind relays information to you. That way, your mind changes the time frame or context of the original dream. Another explanation for this phenomenon is the need of added details to the original dream. It should be noted what you dream about within your dream since it could be your inner mind trying to show you something important.

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9. Dreams about someone you have never met

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You might not remember each and every person you pass by every day, but your mind does. The only things you remember are the filtered content that your brain needs and finds necessary. Subconsciously, you would have overheard a conversation, maybe someone’s outfit or cologne attracted your attention for a moment, maybe a stranger briefly resembled someone you did know, etc. Your mind may recall such characters in your dreams.

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10. Dreams of living in your old house/school

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To dream of an old house represents a perspective or mindset that is experienced, tried, and trusted. If you dream of returning to an old house, it may mean that you are adapting to an old and familiar way of thinking. You have started to embrace the perspective that you had before and returned to old habits, jobs or relationships.

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Well, those weird dreams are not so weird after all. Everything has a meaning and now, you know it!
Until next time… 🙂

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