13 Strange Courses That Are Actually Taught At Real Universities

Remember when you were reading or watching Harry Potter, and when Harry and Ron would complain about their homework about fire-breathing creatures or spells about transforming  mice into tea-cups, and you were incredibly jealous? And you felt like setting fire to those books trying to teach you about which vegetation grows in which part of the world?

Well, here’s a list of strange courses from universities that would definitely be fun to attend!

1. “The Hunger Games:” Class, Politics and Marketing

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University: American University in Washington, DC

Course description: “Using the series as a case study, this course examines the interplay of class, politics, ethics, and marketing. Topics covered include oppression, feminism, food deserts, rebellion, the publishing industry, and social media marketing.”

I would willingly attend these lectures even at 8 in the morning. Would you?


2. Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse – Disasters, Catastrophes, and Human Behavior

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University: Michigan State University

Course description: “This award winning, fully online course  brings together the latest thinking on how and why humans behave during disasters and catastrophes. Why do some survive and others don’t? What are the implications for planning, preparedness, and disaster management? Students in survival groups will face multiple challenges and tasks as they attempt to survive the catastrophic event, escape death, and preserve the future of civilization. For the ability to survive ultimately rests not with the individual but the group. ”

 Hmm… why hasn’t a zombie apocalypse occurred yet? I can see a lot of stupid people tormenting this earth.


3. Maple Syrup: The Real Thing

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University: Alfred University

Course description: “This class will explore the history of maple syrup production, discover the ins and outs of making syrup, create (and eat) some sweet confections, and take field trips to local producers, restaurants and festivals. No prior experience expected.”



4. Philosophy and Star Trek

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University: Georgetown University

Course description: “Star Trek is very philosophical. What better way, then, to do philosophy, but to watch Star Trek, read philosophy and hash it all out in class (and on Blackboard)? That’s the plan. This course will center on topics in metaphysics that come up again and again in Star Trek. In conjunction with watching Star Trek, we will read excerpts from the writings of great philosophers, extract key concepts and arguments and then analyze those arguments. Questions we will wrestle with include:
I. Is time travel possible? Could you go back and kill your grandmother? What is time?
II. What is the relation between your mind and your brain–are they separate items or identical? Can persons survive death? Could a machine someday think? Is Data a person?
III. What is a person? Must you have the same body to be you? Same memories? When do we have one person, and when do we have two (think of the episodes where people “split” or “fuse”).
IV. Do you have free will, or are you determined by the laws of nature to do exactly what you wind up doing (while believing you have free will)? Or both? What is freewill?”

 I can already imagine all the Star Trek fans queuing up for this class!


5. Science from Superheroes to Global Warming

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University: University of California at Irvine

Course description: “Have you ever wondered if Superman could really fly? What was Spiderman’s spidey sense? How did Wonder Woman’s invisible jet work? What does it really mean for something to be a scientific “fact”? Explore how science works and what constitutes “good” science through case studies drawn from a wide spectrum of people’s experience, for example superheros, movies, and real world issues such as global warming. The case studies will provide the change to act as science critics as the students develop a better appreciation for science and the scientific method.”

My question is… Why isn’t there Batman in India?


6. Aliens: Close Encounters of a Multidisciplinary Kind

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University: Hampshire College

Course description: “This course can be summed up as everything you wanted to know about aliens but were afraid to ask (a scientist). The course will explore the topic of extraterrestrial intelligence from the perspective of several different fields. We will look at the history of UFO sighting claims and analyze the reliability of eyewitness testimonies, explore psychological and sociological reasons behind claims of alien abductions, and analyze the current state of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) from the perspective of astronomy and planetary research. We will also examine how film and television have shaped our view of aliens in popular culture. We will conclude the course by looking at religions that have been inspired by UFOs and extraterrestrials.”

 I would take this course over physics and chemistry any day.


7. Lust, Love and Relationships

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University: Syracuse University

Course description: “The intricate dynamics of relationships ranging from “for what and why” individuals are attracted to each other to “why and how” individuals become embroiled in seemingly irresolvable conflict across a variety of social contexts. “

For all the couples out there…


8. Masculinities

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University: University of Sydney

Course description: “What do men want? From a traditional focus on femininity in gender studies, it is increasingly clear that masculinity has undergone tremendous changes in the last several decades. From a perspective of gender and cultural studies, this unit examines the economic, social and cultural contexts in which masculinity is lived. We will consider different case studies focused on the changing representation of men in contemporary culture. These will include aspects of style and consumption, roles within workplaces, and in domestic practices. “

 Girls…your question might just get answered: “What do men want?”


9. Tree Climbing

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University: Cornell University

Course description: “Whether you are a rain forest canopy researcher, an arborist, or just a kid at heart, everyone loves to climb trees. Recall the excitement and your sense of adventure when you first crawled into the branches to look inside a bird’s nest. Then you swung from limb to limb without a thought of ropes and harnesses. But what about that big tree down the street you always wanted to climb, but couldn’t reach the first branch? Cornell Outdoor Education’s Tree Climbing course will teach you how to get up into the canopy of any tree, to move around, even to climb from one tree to another without touching the ground. This course will teach you how to use ropes and technical climbing gear to reach the top of any tree, to move around, and even to climb from tree to tree without returning to the ground.”

So exciting!


10. The Art of Walking

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University: Centre College

Course description: “Art of Walking asks students to stop focusing on constantly doing and concentrate more on simply experiencing,”says Dr. Ken Keffer who is the professor for this course. “It’s a different kind of intellectual atmosphere than the one they usually experience during longer terms.” He is particularly enthusiastic about the opportunity to explore and learn in this uniquely intense way with his students. “I’m looking forward to going side by side with my students, facing the future,” he says. “I’m looking forward to looking forward.”

Left foot first. Then the right. Or whatever. 


11. A History of the Pig in America

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University: Xavier University in Cincinnati

Course description: “The module focuses on the history of pigs in time, their depiction in literature and perceptions in society. ”

All I know is that pigs in India are dirty.


12. Topics in Comparative Media: American Pro Wrestling

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University: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Course description: “This class will explore the cultural history and media industry surrounding the masculine drama of professional wrestling. Beginning with wrestling’s roots in sport and carnival, the class examines how new technologies and changes in the television industry led to evolution for pro wrestling style and promotion and how shifts in wrestling characters demonstrate changes in the depiction of American masculinity. The class will move chronologically in an examination of how wrestling characters and performances have changed, focusing particularly on the 1950s to the present. Students may have previous knowledge of wrestling but are not required to, nor are they required to be a fan (although it is certainly not discouraged, either).”


13. Battling Against Voldemort

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University: Swarthmore College

Course description: The Harry Potter books are used to get students to grasp basic concepts of literary theory and step up their writing skills. They analyze each book and look at themes and metaphors, while also reading up on scholarly perspectives.

Other colleges use the Harry Potter books in different courses. Yale has one that uses “Harry Potter” as a prism for theology. Georgetown uses the story to look at international relations. Frostburg State University in Maryland employs the series to teach Physical Science 100.

Discuss Harry Potter every day AND get grades for it? I am applying. Right. Now.

Such interesting programs to study. AND for which you might willingly get up early in the morning. So which one would you attend?

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