Mom Gave Weed To Her 10-Year-Old Son Dying Of Cancer And He Miraculously Recovered!

The use of weed for medicinal purposes has been a hotly debated topic. There have been several success stories where the drug has helped cure a deadly disease or ease a patient’s pain. Numerous studies have also been conducted which showed some promising results. On the back of these studies, US states including Colorado and Washington have legalised the use of weed. And recently, even Canada has been looking to do the same.

Deryn Blackwell was suffering from an aggressive form of leukaemia and doctors had lost all hope of recovery. In order to ease his pain, his mother, Callie Blackwell, decided to give him some weed. Miraculously, after taking the drug, he made a full recovery!

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If that’s not a miracle, I don’t know what is.


After being rejected by official channels to procure cannabis-based painkillers, Callie bought weed from a dealer and prepared the meds at home with instructions she found online.

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“I thought: ‘what have I got to lose? He’s dying anyway’. The effects of it blew my mind. It wasn’t what I expected.”

An incredible risk, but hey, worked out for the best.


However, cancer experts seem sceptical about accepting Deryn’s recovery as proof that cannabis is a magical cure for cancer.

“Because it’s just one person’s story, without a doctor analysing all the clinical evidence and comparing him to somebody that didn’t get cannabis, we still don’t know for certain it was the cannabis that helped him.”

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It’s wonderful news that Deryn was entirely cured of his deadly disease. However, we cannot jump to drastic conclusions like using weed may suddenly cure all forms of cancer. As the experts have pointed out, a number of hidden factors may be at play here rather than just the drug.

Until there have been controlled trails which actually figure out the EXACT effect weed has on a particular disease, don’t start administering the drug to a friend who may actually be suffering from a deadly disease.

News Source: Independent

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