Girl Thanks Cousin For Ensuring There’s A “Maggi Counter” At Her Wedding, Twitter Reacts

A lot of you would agree with me when I say that food is the part that is looked forward to the most in Indian weddings. Recently, a couple got wedding food delivered to their guests’ doorstep so that they could eat and enjoy their online shaadi, and when another wedding guest took home 10 Tupperwares full of free food from a wedding leaving a bride furious.

We all know the obsession Indians have for not only wedding food, but also maggi. So what if one combines the two for a killer combo? A Twitter user posted a picture of a ‘Maggi counter’ at her cousin’s wedding, who thoughtfully set it up for her. Check it out:

Here are some of the hilarious reactions people had:

Others were not so impressed:

What do you think of this idea? Yay or nay? Tell us!

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