From Making Up Imaginary Characters To Getting A Pet, People Share Ways To Combat Loneliness

With 2020 forcing us to distance ourselves from our loved ones and staying confined into our homes, it sure has aggravated our stress and anxiety. Moreover, some of us started feeling alone and loneliness slowly crawled in.

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This is something not everyone is used to dealing with. Hence, a Reddit user took help from the community and asked people about ways to combat loneliness.

People online were generous enough to soon pen down their experiences and ways that helped them in managing this mental condition better.

From keeping yourself busy to pouring your energy into pursuing your hobbies, people shared a lot of helpful ways to deal with loneliness.

Hanging out with the RIGHT set of people.

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Keeping yourself busy.

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Some even shared how they embraced it.

Getting a pet helped some too.

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Here are some other ways.

When it comes to mental health, not everyone is open to talking about it that too in a public forum. I’m just glad that people have finally started speaking about how they feel and helping others to battle it too.

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