Virat Shares Video Of A Woman Assaulting A Kid While Teaching Her And It’ll Boil Your Blood

I understand that education is very important for kids and they need to learn a lot of things before they can take care of themselves in the world that has been reduced to a ruthless cut-throat competition of survival.

But kids being kids deserve a chance at childhood. Everyone has their own pace of learning and you can’t just force words, letters, numbers or knowledge down a kid’s throat, especially after she is helplessly requesting you, “pyaar se padhao.”

In this gut-wrenching video, you can hear a woman fearfully teaching a little girl maths. The girl can be seen crying, begging the woman to teach her nicely and just be kind to her. But she beats her, shouts at her and instills fear in her.

Before I can tell you anything further about this story, I have to voice my angst as I can’t bundle this up.

She is a smart kid and I can tell because she is articulating her feelings properly. She is joining her hands, her diction is clear, she is scared of the way she’s being taught and she is continuously begging her, “pyaar se padhaiye”.

It’s unjustified to teach ANY kid like that. THIS IS ASSAULT. This is not the work of a human, this is not. This is hurtful and this needs to stop.


Virat Kolhi shared this video with a powerful caption to. Like you and me, he was blown away by the lack of compassion of the woman who is teaching the kid. He said,

“The fact that the pain and anger of the child is ignored and ones own to make the child learn is so massive that compassion has totally gone out of the window. This is shocking and saddening to another dimension. A child can never learn if intimidated. This is hurtful.


People are also angered by the video and pouring out their compassion for the little girl.

We really hope this kid gets identified and strict action is taken against the woman who is assaulting her.

My heart goes for that little girl. Every tear that came out of her eyes because of fear made me shrink in my seat and her words, “pyaar se padhaiye” will give me goosebumps for a long time.

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